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Topnotch International School

E - Learning Update.

 Are you Ready?

 It's just few hours away.

Teaching and learning will be coming to your child right in the comfort of your home.

My hands are itchy and I can't wait to jump into this new adventure tomorrow, *Monday,27th April,2020.

Kindly note the modus operandi for our home school teaching and learning.

✅ Audio-visual 

✅ Read-Up Schedule

✅ E-Notes

✅ Home Activity

✅ Audio visual

We have created our videos on these core subjects for our pupils.


1. Spelling.

2. Grammar.

3. Creative writing.

4. Mathematics 

5. Science


1. Numeracy

2. Literacy

3. KUW


5. ICT

The links to access these video lessons will be forwarded to you per time.

Read-Up Schedule

Kindly refer to your child's communication dairy for reading planner, support textbooks, notebooks and activities on the following subjects.

1. Computer

2. C.R.K

3. Social studies.

4. P.H.E

5. Citizenship

Note that the various pages to read up are all specified with follow up activities.

E - Notes

Refer to our school app to download all e-notes and assignment in the following subjects and more.

1. Agricultural science.

2. Home Economics.

3. Geography.

✅ Home Activity

All resources and home activity given is to be returned back to school on Thursday for vetting.

Please create an enabling environment for your child/ward at home given the basic requirements. 

 With reciprocal encouragement and cooperation, we believe that we all can make the best or the most of this times for our children. 

We appreciate your usual cooperation and still counting on it. 

Mrs Juliet Agorua

Topnotch Empress

Excellence and Exceptionalism


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